Corporate Coaching & Training

Coaching for Executives, Leaders, and Teams

 Leading in today's Business world is difficult. "Soft Skills" are typically some of the hardest to learn, and balancing the needs of the business with the individual and collective needs of your team, peers, and seniors is daunting....but not impossible.  

Expecting past experience to guarantee future success is a mistake. Too often either we or our teams are expected to succeed immediately with no training or guidance.  Usually, we KNOW where we are struggling, but aren't willing to admit it, or don't know how to address it. 

For Executives and Senior Leaders, this usually manifests as high turnover, loss of morale, and reduced productivity in the business, and high stress, anxiety, and other toxic problems.

For more junior leaders, there is often a "fake it till they make it" approach.  Often these leaders either scrape by or quit and take their hard-earned lessons and experience elsewhere. 

Success is built on trust, communications, and a positive mental approach. Give yourself and your employees the best chance at success by training these skills. 
Contact us or call 908-334-2316 today for more information.

How Does Coaching Work?

First, a coach develops a trusted relationship with you, and only you.  Your sessions are confidential, and are a safe place to discuss areas of concern.  
Secondly, the coach works on YOUR agenda.  While a coach can help provide clarity and insights, the goal of a coach is to help YOU identify not only the issues, but develop the solutions.
People THRIVE when they discover their own path and are invested in the solutions!  That is a coach's purpose.

Our coachee/coach relationship can be weekly, bi-weekly monthly, or periodic "tune ups," based on the needs of the individual.  A coach approach is ALWAYS based on the individual needs of the coachee, NEVER a one-size-fits-all system.






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What Is Executive CoachING?

Executive Coaching works with current executives and leaders of companies, recognizing that often the demands and concerns of leadership at higher levels of a company have a different tone.  As executive coaches, we help our clients gain clarity of their responsibilities, develop confidence in their leadership, improve their management skills, create strategic plans to create and accomplish goals, build growth within their departments, and sustain the competitiveness of their companies. We also prepare leaders for future promotions into executive positions.

What Is the Difference Between an Executive Coach and A Business Coach?

An executive coach works with individuals in upper-level positions to refine their supervising, leadership, strategic planning, communication, time and team management, and delegation skills. Executive coaches also prepare top-performing leaders to advance to executive positions.
However, a business coach works with entrepreneurs, business owners, and all staff alike, assisting all employees in fulfilling the responsibilities required of their current positions.

What Leadership Skills Does an Executive Coach Have?

Several of us who have held executive positions combine our experience and knowledge with professional business training and certification in advising. An executive coach considers the demands and responsibilities of day-to-day departmental operations. Executive coaches also display expertise in delegation, supervision, and prioritization for cultivating high productivity.

What Are Some Communication Skills Taught By An Executive Coach?

An executive coach will help leaders and executives develop authoritative communication for optimal development of a pro-active, team that takes ownership and looks to create solutions, not just identify problems. Executives will also learn about omnidirectional relationship building to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships with other executives and company partners. Finally, executives will understand their corporate relationships to maintain order, collaboration, and productivity within and outside their departments.

Can An Executive Coach Help With Skill-building?

With over two decades of enterprise-level operational leadership, I aim to help my executive clients maintain a drive for continuous professional self-development. By working with me, I will provide the following skill-building services:
Teach you how to create a vision to strategize growing your department and maintaining growth in your department.
I will advise you on how to create goals to materialize that vision.
Show you how to simplify daily objectives and tasks for teams using Occam’s Razor Principle to conserve time, money, and resources while completing them.
Teach you problem-solving and conflict-management skills for optimal communication with staff.
Show you how to re-engineer your business activity schedule to cultivate optimal productivity.
Help you develop authoritative communication to demonstrate your administrative capability and presence among managers and team leaders.
Inquiring executives can book a consultation with me today to get started with executive coaching.

Get leadership coaching today! Call me at 908-334-2316 to learn more.

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